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Popularly known in the Indian subcontinent as Kasuri Methi, fenugreek leaves are an ancient spice used for flavoring various dishes. The leaves have a bitter taste, but when added to the recipe, titillate the taste buds.
Nutritional Value
1. Methi leaves, when consumed twice a day, cleanses the intestines and flushes out the waste from the body.
2. It is a widely acclaimed cure for arthritis.
3. However, overconsumption of fenugreek leaves may cause nausea and gastrointestinal discomfort.
4. The seeds and leaves are good sources of dietary fiber and high in protein content.
5. Pregnant women are not advised to eat methi leaves as it is known to induce labor.
Popularly known in the Indian subcontinent as Kasuri Methi, fenugreek leaves are an ancient spice used for flavoring various dishes. The leaves have a bitter taste, but when added to the recipe, titillate the taste buds.
Nutritional Value
1. Methi leaves, when consumed twice a day, cleanses the intestines and flushes out the waste from the body.
2. It is a widely acclaimed cure for arthritis.
3. However, overconsumption of fenugreek leaves may cause nausea and gastrointestinal discomfort.
4. The seeds and leaves are good sources of dietary fiber and high in protein content.
5. Pregnant women are not advised to eat methi leaves as it is known to induce labor.
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