Title | | | Centralized Receiving & Distribution Center Logistics Management Services for the San Antonio International Airport |
DeadLine | | | 2025-04-07 |
Buyer Name | | | San Antonio, Texas |
Notice ID | | | RFI 25-057 |
Location | | | TEXAS |
Type | | | local |
Contract Link: | https://webapp1.sanantonio.gov/BidContractOpps/Content.aspx?id=5773&page=Default |
AGENCY: | San Antonio, Texas |
CONTRACTING OFFICER: | Adrianna Broniszewski |
OFFICER'S NUMBER: | (210) 207-0118 |
OFFICER'S EMAIL: | adrianna.broniszewski@sanantonio.gov |
Scope Of Work
The Aviation Department is seeking to collect insights on Centralized Receiving and Distribution Center (CRDC) logistics management services.
This RFI will assist Aviation with the following:
• Collect information on potential service providers for CRDC logistics management services.
• Understand the capabilities of service providers in managing a centralized receiving and distribution function.
• Assess potential solutions and strategies for inventory management, order fulfillment and distribution.
• Review the experience, qualifications, and capacity of service providers to meet the operational requirements of the CRDC.
• Consider the most effective and efficient CRDC alternatives and plans that best meet the needs of the airport. The information collected from the RFI will be used to develop a comprehensive and well-informed RFP.
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