Buyer: Denton Independent School District, Texas

Denton Independent School District, Texas

General Description

Denton ISD is seeking vendors who can provide miscellaneous services and supplies to respond to this proposal, including sole source providers. There are 62 attributes, including this one, associated with this proposal. Some are notes and require no response, but most have a required response. Any reference within the conditions of this document to bid for Request for Proposal (RFP), Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP), proposal, contract, response, etc. could be technically inaccurate but should be construed to mean and are used interchangeably as the designated legal method of procurement as titled and advertised. The same is true of terminology related to bidder, proposer, vendor etc. The district reserves the right to waive minor technicalities in the best interest of the district. Awards will be made to multiple vendors on an incremental basis during the solicitation offering period. Proposers are encouraged to submit responses as soon as possible. As responses are received, or on a periodic basis, they will be opened and evaluated based on the criteria outlined within this RFP. Awards will be made throughout the open period of this solicitation upon acceptance of the proposal response. Denton ISD anticipates submitting a recommendation for the first round of awards to the Board of Trustees at the School Board meeting scheduled for July 30, 2024.

Scope of Work / Product List

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