Title | | | Craven County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Request for Proposals- Consulting: Court and Legal in North Carolina |
DeadLine | | | 2025-02-21 |
Buyer Name | | | Craven County, North Carolina |
Notice ID | | | RFP1/13/2025 |
Location | | | NORTH CAROLINA |
Type | | | local |
Contract Link: | https://www.cravencountync.gov/bids.aspx?bidID=89 |
AGENCY: | Craven County, North Carolina |
CONTRACTING OFFICER: | Jennifer Knight |
OFFICER'S NUMBER: | 252-636-6603 |
OFFICER'S EMAIL: | kscapes@gmail.com |
Scope OF Work
The Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) has studied the risk factors and needs of Juvenile Court involved youth in this county and hereby publishes this Request for Proposals.
The JCPC anticipates funds from the NC Dept. of Public Safety Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in the amount stated above to fund the program types specified below.
Such programs will serve delinquent and at-risk youth for the state fiscal year 2025-2026 beginning on, or after, July 1, 2025.
The use of these funds in this county require a local match in the amount specified above.
Proposed services should address the following concerns as reported in the Youth Assessment Screening Instrument (YASI):
• Most are Low to Moderate risk with Moderate Needs and High Moderate to Very High Strengths
• 18% were under 12 at first charge; double the state at only 9%
• Inadequate Parental Supervision is slightly elevated over the state
• 81% had an out-of-school suspension in the past two years; state at only 66%
• 57% of juveniles reported negative/delinquent peers; state at only 47%
• 60% of juveniles reporting some substance use, also reported impaired function; state at 30%
• 60% demonstrated assaultive behavior; state at only 41%
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