Buyer: State of California

State of California

General Description

Scope OF Work

All research plans must be approved by the JCC AB 1058 Program Manager prior to performing work. All written reports must adhere to the latest version of the JCC Style Guide and any other related report guidelines, templates, etc. as directed by the JCC when submitting written work and be transmitted in a hardcopy format as required by the JCC and electronically in an editable Microsoft Word format.

If no JCC template is available for this report type, the Proposer must develop one based on the JCC Style Guide. All charts, tables, and graphics must be submitted in an editable format as well. The Proposer must submit an annotated bibliography and hard copies of all source materials used with each deliverable (and include an electronic link to an online source, if available).

Prepare an updated review and analysis of current and historical economic research on the cost of raising children, including a critical analysis of the economic analyses used to construct child support guidelines.

Submit written report in a Microsoft Word format including a written justification for additional original research or analysis based on gaps in previous research or no research completed since 2021, as well as any research limitations or challenges encountered while conducting this part of the study.

Verify that the sample size and the courts identified by the JCC are representative of child support cases statewide and conduct an analysis on the actual application of the guideline using case file data (from approximately 1,100 case files) provided by the JCC.

The rates of default and imputed child support orders and orders determined using the low-income adjustment, including how many obligors are qualified for the low-income adjustment.

Whether child support orders based on anything other than actual earnings (such as imputations of income, or use of earning capacity) take into consideration the specific circumstances of custodial parents (CPs) and noncustodial parents (NCPs), such as residence, employment and earnings history, job skills, educational attainment, literacy, age, health, criminal history.

Scope of Work / Product List

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